KaaS: K as a Service

CI integrated, cloud-based symbolic execution accessible via an API

KaaS is the Delivery Platform for Kontrol
Kontrol combines KEVM and Foundry to enable users to perform property verification on Solidity smart contracts


Key Features

Secure Proof Management
Efficient proof upload, download, and archiving, with advanced version management and performance optimization.
Seamless CI Integration
Easily integrate with existing CI workflows to automatically validate deployments.
Isolated Project Environments
Maintain strict separation between projects with dedicated environments, providing enhanced security.
Enhanced Remote Compute
High performance remote computing, optimized to maximize performance of Kontrol.

Empowering Teams

Tailored Solutions for Every Role

Enterprise Customers & Project Owners
Integrate KaaS with CI automation for efficient testing within your CI/CD pipeline. Utilize the admin dashboard for comprehensive insights and user management.
Project Developers & Testers
Expedites test execution, improving efficiency for developers and testers.
Enterprise Auditors & Developers
KaaS eliminates hardware performance limitations and configuration dependencies.

Unmatched Benefits

Experience the Advantage

Discover how our platform transforms your workflow.

Verify Code Changes as They Happen
Ensure each CI cycle is verified before integrating new changes into the Master branch.
Archive Projects and Proofs Over Time
Monitor your project's evolution and adapt to market changes seamlessly.
Remote Compute Eliminates Resource Limitations
Leverage optimized resources and elastic scaling for consistent, timely results.
Enterprise Service Support
Rely on our monitoring and support to swiftly address and resolve any issues.

Let's Connect

Have questions or ideas? Drop us a message.